Team ArenaNet for Extra Life 2020

Team ArenaNet is fired up to support Extra Life for the fourth year in a row!

With the power and generosity of our amazing community, Team ArenaNet has raised over $225,000 in donations for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals. Every year, you’ve gone above and beyond to help us reach our donation-matching thresholds and set new fundraising records for our team. Together we can beat last year’s total of over $145,000!

During the annual Extra Life marathon, teams and individuals from many gaming communities play for 24 hours to raise funds in support of Children’s Miracle Network, a network of 170 nonprofit children’s hospitals throughout the United States and Canada. Donations pay healthcare costs for critically ill and injured children not covered by health insurance or Medicaid, help hospitals purchase pediatric medical equipment, and fund disease research.

This year, support is more important than ever. Due to the pandemic’s widespread impact, families are losing health insurance and facing tremendous insecurity—some while caring for children in urgent need of medical treatment. Children’s hospitals are also investing in personal protective equipment, COVID-19 testing supplies, telehealth services, and more.

Children’s Miracle Network has created the COVID-19 Impact Fund to help take care of their young patients during the pandemic. Your Extra Life 2020 donations will support this fund and help hospitals provide the lifesaving care kids need.

Join Team ArenaNet

We’re all working toward the same goal for Extra Life: helping kids! Everyone is invited to be part of Team ArenaNet. To join, visit the official Extra Life website and choose “Team ArenaNet” as your team when you sign up.

If you’d like to create your own team, we invite you to join the ArenaNet Super Team. When you sign up on the official Extra Life website, choose “Create a Sub Team.” Your team will still have its own page, members, and fundraising goals, but you’ll be recognized on the ArenaNet Super Team’s leaderboards and the funds you raise will contribute to the overall Super Team total.

You don’t have to livestream Guild Wars 2 to team up with us. You can stream a game of your choice, or raise funds by telling your friends, family, and colleagues how they can donate to support Extra Life.

Game Day: 6 November

The ArenaNet team members are participating from home this year, but we’re all ready to kick off our 24-hour streaming marathon for the kids. Our Extra Life Game Day event begins at 8:00 p.m. UTC (noon Pacific Time) on Friday, 6 November and ends at 8:00 p.m. UTC (noon Pacific Time) on Saturday, 7 November.

You can watch the stream on our official Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook channels.. Stay tuned for more information on the fun we have planned—and visit our Team ArenaNet page to sign up or donate!

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